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Job offer
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- モンテッソーリ教育・スポーツ・小学校進学・日本語教育他に携わります。
- 外国人上司や講師、保護者と関わるため、日常会話以上の英語力のある方優遇
- 少人数限定のスクールで、一人ひとりとしっかり向き合えます
- 設備や施設も清潔で、明るく国際的で開放的な雰囲気です
- 保護者との関わり、営業事務や経理、将来的には総合職としてキャリアを積むことができる環境です
- 長期的にキャリアを積みたい方優遇
- 保育士資格 科目合格者OK

雇用形態 | 正社員(アルバイトは相談) |
就業形態 | フルタイム(パートタイムOK) |
仕事の内容 | *モンテッソーリ教育、日本語教育、マナー教育、小学校進学対策などの授業、事務、経理、営業他 *行事の企画、準備、開催 *保護者様の対応、案内作り *知能開発クラス、アフタースクール、サタデースクール、サマースクール 等 *カリキュラム作成 *教材づくり、準備 *清掃、整理整頓、外国人講師のアシスタント |
勤務地 | 大阪府大阪市阿倍野区 |
転勤 | なし |
賃金 |
a:基本給円 250,000 yen~400,000 yen/月(新卒・第二新卒はアシスタントとして研修期間あり) b:手当 資格手当、日英バイリンガル手当、保育士資格手当、保育実務経験手当、モンテッソーリ資格/経験、役職手当他 c:昇給 毎年4月 |
賞与 | あり(年2回) |
通勤手当 | 実費支給 |
就業時間 | シフト制 |
休憩時間 | 60分 |
時間外 | あり 1日1時間未満 |
週所定労働日数 | 週5日 |
休日 | 祝他 ・月曜日~土曜日シフト制 ・行事・研修の際は日曜出勤(振替休日あり) |
年間休日数 | 110日+有給 |
育児休業取得実績 | あり |
利用可能な託児所 | あり 一部会社負担 |
雇用期間 |
雇用期間の定めなし(4月〜3月毎に労働条件の見直し・昇給あり) |
年齢 | 不問 |
学歴 | 大卒以上(短大・専門学校 相談可) |
必要な免許・資格 | ・保育士資格又は科目合格者優遇 ・モンテッソーリ有資格者/知識のある方優遇 |
必要な経験等 | ・パソコンの使える方(ワード、エクセル、パワーポイント) ・英語日本語のどちらかはネイティブレベル、他方は日常会話以上の能力のある方 |
加入保険 | 法定通り |
定年 | 60歳 延長制度あり |
再雇用 | あり |
マイカー通勤 | 可 |
選考方法 |
1、面接 筆記試験 2、選考実習後即日採用可(2−5日間) |
選考結果通知 | 3日以内 |
応募書類等 | 履歴書(写真添付)職務経歴書 |
選考日時 | 随時 |
特記事項 | ・年次有給休暇・加入保険は法定通りです。 |
備考 |
面接は就業場所にて行います。パート採用も仕事内容は正社員と同じです長期的にキャリアを積み、園の発展に携わりたい方のみを募集しています。 |
雇用形態 | パートタイマー |
仕事の内容 | *モンテッソーリ教育、日本語教育、マナー教育、小学校進学対策などの授業、事務、経理、営業他 *行事の企画、準備、開催 *保護者様の対応、案内作り *知能開発クラス、アフタースクール、サタデースクール、サマースクール 等 *カリキュラム作成 *教材づくり、準備 *清掃、整理整頓、外国人講師のアシスタント |
勤務地 | 大阪府大阪市阿倍野区 |
転勤 | なし |
賃金 |
a:基本給(時給)1,100 円~/月 保有資格や経験により優遇 c:昇給 毎年4月 |
賞与 | なし |
通勤手当 | 全額支給 |
就業時間 | シフト制 |
休憩時間 | 法定+当社規定による |
時間外 | あり 1日1時間未満 |
週所定労働日数 | 週5日以内 |
休日 | 祝他 ・月曜日~土曜日シフト制 ・行事・研修の際は日曜出勤(振替休日あり) |
年間休日数 | シフトによる |
育児休業取得実績 | あり |
利用可能な託児所 | あり 一部会社負担 |
雇用期間 |
雇用期間の定めなし(4月〜3月毎に労働条件の見直し・昇給あり) |
年齢 | 不問 |
学歴 | 大卒以上(短大・専門学校 相談可) |
必要な免許・資格 | ・保育士資格又は科目合格者優遇 ・モンテッソーリ有資格者/知識のある方優遇 |
必要な経験等 | ・パソコンの使える方(ワード、エクセル、パワーポイント) ・英語日本語のどちらかはネイティブレベル、他方は日常会話以上の能力のある方 |
加入保険 | 法定通り |
定年 | 60歳 延長制度あり |
再雇用 | あり |
マイカー通勤 | 可 |
選考方法 |
1、面接 筆記試験 2、選考実習後即日採用可(2−5日間) |
選考結果通知 | 3日以内 |
応募書類等 | 履歴書(写真添付)職務経歴書 |
選考日時 | 随時 |
特記事項 | ・年次有給休暇・加入保険は法定通りです。 |
備考 |
面接は就業場所にて行います。パート採用も仕事内容は正社員と同じです長期的にキャリアを積み、園の発展に携わりたい方のみを募集しています。 |
- Small group education
- Basic Japanese language skill preferred
- 1 - 6 years old students
- More then 50% English speaking/foreign staff
- Friendly & global environment

Contract Type | Permanent Employee |
Type of Employment | Full Time Preschool Teacher |
Roles & Tasks |
Tezukayama Global Academy Preschool We are seeking a full time qualified preschool teacher for our school based in Tezukayama (Abeno Ku, Osaka). Tezukayama Global Academy Preschool (TGAP) is a private international preschool with Montessori- and sports-based education. We focus on developing children cognitive, emotional, social and physical abilities. We use Montessori as the base of our teaching method but are not restricted by it. Our mission is creating global leaders of the world. We teach mathematics, language, science, ICT, history, biology and all the academic subjects. Some of our instructors have university, high school, or elementary teachers' licenses. The 1st floor of our school consists of a huge and well-equipped gymnasium whereas, there are Montessori classrooms, a Japanese-style room and a garden on the second floor. We provide well-rounded education with the passionate teachers. More than half of our teachers are form overseas. Everyone has a chance to be a manager or middle manager after 2 years of work in the company depend on his/her ability. We are looking for a teacher; - Who plans to stay in Japan for a long term and can have a long term vision in the company. - Who has a good manner, great communication skill and hospitality mind (Some teachers are from hospitality industry). - Who has a great English fluency however, Japanese skills are not essential but preferred. - Who has bachelor and/or master degree(s). - Who has basic computer skills (all Mac). - With Montessori or gymnastics/sport experience however, the right candidate with the right attitude to learn would be considered. - With an academic background in education or early-childhood education is also ideal. - Permission to work in Japan is ESSENTIAL (Working Visa, Spouse Visa, Working Holiday Visa are acceptable but we are seeking only an application who would like have a long career in the company). * the company can also support to renew and get a visa for an applicant who is planning to work at least more than 2 years after getting visa. Duties and responsibilities - Candidates will be responsible for developing teaching curricula. - Delivering lessons and activities in English to children between 1.5 - 9 years of age. - Willing to learn Montessori method and gymnastics/sport skills. - Organizing school excursions and special events. - Completing office- and paperwork and reports. - Conducting general cleaning and maintaining the school. - Helping children to prepare for meals, change clothes and diapers. * Everyone start with an assistant position for 3 month as a probation period. * Managing positions are available after 2 years of working in the company. * Working condition will be changed depend on your performance, every April and when promoted. Conditions - Company sharehouse (upon availability) - Housing allowance (10,000-25,000 with condition) - Monday to Saturday (Some sundays) - 5 days/week (shift-based) - 110 days off/year plus paid vacation - Parental leave - Health insurance (Other types of insurance is available) - Paid leave (After 6 month) - Education assistance - Childcare benefits with conditions Access - 1 min from Himamatsu Station: Hankai Line - 7 mins from Tezukayama Station: Nankai Koya Line - 12 mins from Nishitanabe Station: Osaka Metro Mido-suji Line - 15 mins from Tamade Station: Isaka Metro Yotsubashi Line |
LOCATION | Tezukayama, Abeno-ku, Osaka city |
Transfer | None |
Salary |
(a + b) a:basic salary(Monthly Average)240,000 yen~400,000 yen |
Bonus |
Special Incentive twice a year (March and September; depending on individual performance and company situation). Applicable after 6 month of employment. |
Transportation | Fully-covered |
Working Hours | Working shift between 7:00-21:00 (8 hours + 1 hour Break + 1 hour prepaid overwork is included) |
Break | 60 minutes |
Overwork | Sometimes |
Holidays | National Holidays, New Year vacation (Average 5-7 days), Obon vacation (Average 5-8 days) ・working shift (Mon-Sun), Working on Saturday and Sunday is neccesary ・All staff day (school events on Sunday or Saturday mainly) |
Holidays per year | 110 days |
Parental Leave | Yes |
Childcare | Half price tuition for full-time employees |
Others | Uniform will be provided |
Skills | ・Advanced PC Skills ・Japanese language skill is preferred (All english speaking staff must study Japanse for cultural exchange) |
insurance | Employee's insurance, work insurance, Health insurance, Pension |
Notes |
On-job assesment is neccesary (2-4 days) before suggesting the contract.Online job interview is also available. |
Contract Type | Assistant staff |
Type of Employment | Part Time |
Roles & Tasks |
Tezukayama Global Academy Preschool We are seeking a part time qualified preschool teacher for our school based in Tezukayama (Abeno Ku, Osaka). Tezukayama Global Academy Preschool (TGAP) is a private international preschool with Montessori- and sports-based education. We focus on developing children's cognitive, emotional, social and physical abilities. We use Montessori as the base of our teaching but are not restricted by it. Our mission is creating global leaders of the world. We teach mathematics, language, science, ICT, history, biology and all the academic subjects. Some of our instructors have university, high school, or elementary teachers' licenses. The 1st floor of our school consists of a huge and well-equipped gymnasium whereas, there are Montessori classrooms, a Japanese-style room and a garden on the second floor. We provide well-rounded education with the passionate teachers. More than half of our teachers are form overseas. Everyone has a chance to be a manager or middle manager after 2 years of work in the company depend on his/her ability. We are looking for a teacher; - Who plans to stay in Japan for a long term and can have a long term vision in the company. - Who has a good manner, great communication skill and hospitality mind (Some teachers are from hospitality industry). - Who has a great English fluency however, Japanese skills are not essential but preferred. - Who has bachelor and/or master degree(s). - Who has basic computer skills (all Mac). - Ideally a candidate would have Montessori or gymnastics/sports experience however, the right candidate with the right attitude to learn would be considered. - A background in education or early-childhood education is also ideal. - Permission to work in Japan is ESSENTIAL (Dependent with a working permission, Spouse , Working Holiday visas are acceptable but we are seeking an applicant who would like to have a long career in the company. * the company can also support renewing and getting a visa for an applicant who is planning to work at least more than 2 years after getting visa. Duties and responsibilities - Candidates will be responsible for developing teaching curricula. - Delivering lessons and activities in English to children between 1.5 - 9 years of age. - Welling to learn Montessori method and gymnastics/sport skills. - General cleaning and maintaining the school. - Helping children prepare for meals, change clothes and changing diapers. Conditions - Part-time positions are available; - Working shift (Mon-Sun; shift-based), Working on Saturdays and some Sundays is also required. - Education assistance - Childcare benefits Access - 1 mins from Himamatsu station: Hankai line - 7 mins from Tezukayama station: Nankai Koya line - 12 mins from Nishitanabe station: Osaka Metro Mido-suji line - 15 mins from Tamade station: Isaka Metro Yotsubashi line |
LOCATION | Tezukayama Abeno-ku, Osaka city |
Transfer | None |
Salary |
(a + b) a:basic salary(Hourly wage)1,200 - 1,500JPY/hour, depending on the experience |
Bonus | N/A |
Transportation | Up to 1,000yen/day(negotiable) |
Working Hours | working shift between 8:00-20:00 (6 - 9 hours + 1 hour Break) |
Break Time | Varied daily |
Overwork | Sometimes |
Holidays | National Holidays, New Year vacation (Average 5-7 days), Obon vacation (Average 5-7 days) |
Holidays per year | 110 days |
Parental Leave | Yes |
Child care | Available with condition |
Others | ・Uniform will be provided |
Skills | ・Excellent PC Skills ・Japanese language skill is preferred (All english speaking staff must study Japanse for cultural exchange) |
insurance | Employee's insurance, work insurance, Health insurance, Pension, with conditions |
Notes |
On-job assesment is neccesary (2-4 days) before suggesting the contract.Online job interview is also available. |
Application Form
■Applying by phone call
9:00 - 18:00 (Monday - Saturday)
Japanese: 06-6627-0058 / +81-6-6627-0058 (International Call)
English 06-6690-0009 / +81-6-6690-0009 (International Call)
■Applying through Mail Form
※Will be replied in 3 business days