How to be a member of TGA ELITE CLUB  ご入会方法

Here is the flow from first contact to entering the club.

1 Make an appointment for individual counseling 個別スクールツアーにお申し込みください。


Counseling Reservation Form


Please click the Application Form above to contact us to make a reservation for individual counseling. We provide official application form and brochures only for the parents who visit our school. 


2 Individual counseling(& parents interview)個別スクールツアー

Everything about the TGA ELITE CLUB will be explained in detail. This interview can be considered as an open school day so you can have experience our ELITE CLUB first hand. 授業内容やご料金を含め、全てについてご説明させていただきます。また、施設のご見学や今後の流れ、ご入会審査の日程などを決めさせていただきます。保護者面接を兼ねさせていただくこともございます。

*Please note that parents maybe interviewed on a different day

3 Entrance Exam day(1 Day admission)ご入会審査(1日入会)

An admission examination will be carry out in 1 day.

As a general rule, timing for after school program is between 3pm to 5:50pm; and weekend school is between 9am to 3pm. (One day admission fee is included in the application fee as an examination fee)


*Photos of daily activities that the child participated will be provide to you. その際に入会審査中のお写真で様子をお伝えさせていただきます。

*Extended care is also available, please ask us for more details. 当日の延長も可能ですので、ご都合に合わせてご相談ください。

Special lunch for children who has allergy is also available. Please have the medical certificate signed by a doctor ready at least two weeks before the admission examination. 

4 Admission procedure (If passed) 合否通知&ご入会手続き

After the examination is completed, we will send you a pass / fail notification. If you pass, we will also enclose an admissin permit (Pre-admission permit) from our school. 

Once the admission fee is paid, the admission date will be decided and finalised. 



5 First day of school 初登校日

You will be required to attend the school from the date of admission decided in advance.


Counseling Reservation Form



<Uniforms 制服一式>

・冬体操服(ジャケット) ・夏体操シャツ ・体操パンツ
・スクールバッグ  ・体育館シューズ



Counseling Reservation Form


Extended Care 延長について


ご料金:325yen/15mins(小学生・3歳児以上)     375yen/15mins(2歳児以下)








 ベーシック プライベートレッスン 


⭐︎ヴァイオリン プライベート(50mins)

⭐︎ピアノ プライベート(50mins)

講師:福住 かおり先生


⭐︎英語プライベート 読み書き/英会話/英検(50mins)




 特別プライベートレッスン ※毎年限定された人数のみ募集(直接お問い合わせください)


⭐︎小学校受験指導 プライベート(50mins)

講師:元大阪教育大学附属天王寺小学校 副校長 斎原 博正先生






⭐︎小学生 Math & English Intensive プライベート(週1)英語チューター

⭐︎小学生 Math & English & Science Intensive プライベート(週2)英語チューター


